
mardi 28 septembre 2010


Agrandir le plan

Shortened history of the castle:

Lovrijenac is the highest fort of Dubrovnik and certainly the most impressive one. In literature known as the "Gibraltar of Dubrovnik", Lovrijenac rises above 37 meters high rock. The main purpose of its construction was defense, and the main idea was to protect the freedom of Dubrovnik.

There is a stone inscription above the gates leading to the fort, saying: “Non Bene Pro Toto Libertas Venditur Auro” – “Freedom is not on sale, not even for all the treasure on the world”. Still, after 450 years of independence and freedom of Dubrovnik, in 1806 it was overrun by Napoleon’s army and the French flag that rose over Lovrijenac symbolically marked the end of the famous era of the Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovacka republika). From that year till today, several governments and social orders changed, whilst Lovrijenac also changed its functions. During the World War II it even served as a prison.

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