
mercredi 15 septembre 2010


Agrandir le plan

In 1497, Ferdinand V of Spain wants to lock the narrow passage between the foothills of the Corbières and ponds that were impassable at the time and that was the only route from the Aragonese region to the north (France).

In 1538, the fortress was finaly completed and was honored to receive the visit of Charles V himself.

During the following century it had to endure numerous attacks but properly carried out its role of defending North borders.

But on July 20th, 1639, after 40 days of resistance, the fortress falls into the hands of those who were called at the time "the best regiments of the Kingdom of France" under the command of Henry II of Bourbon.

But only a few weeks after the French troops had invaded the foretress, they were besieged on the 1st of September 1639. During months and months, French regiments confined in the fortress opposed a stubborn resistance to the Spanish troops seeking to recover their property. The French troops, starving to death, decided to surrender in January 1640.

From that time, the fortress was about to disappear several times but was destruction was finnaly abandonned, at each time, and this is why it remains today in perfect shape.

Opening times and additionnal information :

June 1 to September 30: 9:30 am to 19h
October 1 to May 31: 10am to 12.15pm and 14h-17h
Last visit 1 hour before closing the site

1 January, 1 May, 1 and November 11, December 25

Contact booking groups:
resa.salses @

Full price: 7 €
Price: 4,50 €
Group of adults: 5,50 € (from 20 persons)
School groups: 30 € (35 people maximum, 20 € for PTA)

Under 18 (accompanied by an adult)
18-25 (nationals of 27 countries of the European Union and non-European residents regularly on French territory)
Disabled person and their companion

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