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Shortened history of the castle:
The Anjony castle is composed of a high square building surrounded by four large towers topped with battlements. This fortress dominates the valley of the Doire.
Bernard Johanini obtained in 1351 some rural land in the fief of Tournemire and was knighted in 1360. Having fought alongside Joan of Arc, Charles VII allowed his son to build the medieval dungeon to defend the surrounding country in 1439 despite the refusal of Lord Tournemire. This building is the starting point of a long lasting conflict between the two families (The Tournemire had fought on the side of the Plantagenets...).
During more than two centuries, the families will undertake actions to disable the other in order to regain land and power.
In 1623, a duel between representatives of the two families in front of the castle led to the deaths of three members of each family and in 1643, a marriage occured between Michael II of Anjony and heiress of Tournemire Gabrielle Pesteils, signing the end of the rivalry between the two families.
In the eighteenth century Claude Anjony, not at ease with the discomfort of the dungeon, decides to build another building, backed up to the castle, in Louis XV style backed it (This building was made out of stones coming from the Tournemire's castle, destroyed a few decades earlier).
Opening times and additionnal information:
Guided tours :(length of visit - 1 hour)
- Winter (from the February Holidays to November 15) : from 2pm to 6.30pm (every day)
- Summer (July 1st to August 31st) : Morning at 11am and 11.30am and from 2pm to 6.30pm.
The visit is not free and reservation is mandatory.
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