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Shortened history of the castle:
The castle was built in 1246 on the promontory granitic Rothmannsberg at 451m above sea level, overlooking the valley Spesbourg Andlau.
In 1383, the lords Andlau Spesbourg are announced as the new owners of the castle. But these lords transform the defensive medieval Spesourg castle into a palace and as a result, in 1431, Stephen of Bavaria invests Spesbourg who was without defenders. Anyway, a few months later, the castle was retaken by the Andlau head of 2000 men.
During the sixteenth century, the castle is attacked and burned by citizens of Barr because the Andlau lords had bribed one of their fellow citizens.
Certainly rebuilt, it is destroyed again and this time finally abandoned during the Thirty Years War.
After the revolution the castle was dismantled and its stones recovered by nearby residents.
In 1967 it is classified a historical monument.
Opening times and additionnal information:
The castle is open to public, free access.
E-mail : arc-spesbourg@neuf.fr
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